Exclusion of liability
The purpose of our website is to provide general information. Although we are constantly striving to keep our website up to date, we are unable to assume any liability for the timeliness, correctness, completeness, quality or sources of the information presented.
Furthermore, we cannot be held liable for any damage caused by the usage of information provided on this website. Our homepage is to be considered neither as part of any business relations nor as commercial consultancy. Since the legal situation in the area of internet law is highly complex and varied, we strongly recommend you to seek legal counsel and not rely on the general information offered on these (or other) web pages.
As a service to users, these pages also include references (links) to servers of other companies or organisations. We are unable to assume any guarantee or liability for content, timeliness, correctness, completeness, quality or sources of the information presented on those websites or files downloaded from them. We are in no way responsible for the websites of third parties, and strictly and expressly distance ourselves from the content of other homepages.
All information provided has been researched and compiled with the utmost care. We are, however, unable to assume any guarantee for the correctness.
The English version of this website is provided purely for informational purpose as a service to our visitors and customers and should be considered as such; it is, however, not the legally binding version of this homepage. In case of discrepancies, the German version shall prevail.
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